From here on out, I will think of my life as having two distinct eras. There's the time before I learned what a steatocystoma is, and the time after.
The video, which had raked in nearly 60,000 views within 30 minutes of posting, shows Lee poking a small hole in a patient's skin. Then she uses her fingers to squeeze around the hole-and out comes a torrent of buttery goodness (or buttery horror, depending on how you feel about pimple-popping videos).
As if that weren't enough to satisfy your pop cravings, then Lee moves onto another one!
"Wow this great...I almost want some just to extract them " one commenter wrote under the video.
Others called it "delicious" and "so satisfying."
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So what is a steatocystoma, exactly?
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine , steatocystomas are benign cysts that develop under the skin in patients with a skin disorder called steatocystoma multiplex. The cysts are filled with sebum, which is an oily substance found in the skin and hair.