Pastor Oladejo who gave this admonition via a video message, entitled ‘Warnings to married Christian couples from the Lord Jesus Christ,’ said God instructed him to tell people that if they keep indulging in the immoral act of having sex in the styles not approved by the heavens, they will meet eternal condemnation.
In the video, Pastor Oladejo prophesied eternal punishment for men who allow their wives to mount them during sex, men who love the doggy style of sex, and worse, men who love oral sex!
He stated that an angel had taken him to a department in hell where married men who engaged in masturbation, oral sex, and woman-on-top sex positions were given the worst form of torture imaginable.
Continuing in the video, Pastor Oladejo said:
“The Lord has made the man the head, not the woman. So, those men who enjoy their wives coming on top of them on their matrimonial bed, the Lord says they are not coming to heaven at all!
Because they practice immorality on their bed. They change the ordinances of God on their bed. The Lord said He made man the head, and so shall it be. You cannot change that ordinance.”
According to the man of God, the doggy style of sex practically turns the woman into a four-footed beast and is, therefore, capable of sending the practitioners to hell.
“The Lord did not create you to behave like a dog on your matrimonial bed with your wife; or like a goat, or like a cow, or like a chicken. Those who do that are not going to make it to heaven.”
He concluded that the only natural way that God has made sex to be is for a man to lie on top of the woman, and anything to the contrary risks divine chastisement.
Quoting the Bible from the book of Isaiah 24: 5, Pastor Oladejo added that the Lord informed him that His children are committing immorality on their beds, changing the ordinances of an everlasting covenant as God had ordained it.
Watch the video here.