Canadians Are Cutting $20 Bills in Half to Make Two $10s

August 2024 · 1 minute read

August 31, 2015 5:42 PM EDT

People in Canada are cutting $20 and $20 bills in half and using them as new currency.

According to CBC News, people in Quebec’s Gaspé region are cutting bills like $20 and $10 and using them for half the amount.

They are calling it a new currency by the name, “demi.” Local stores and residents have starting using and accepting them, with half a $20 bill worth $10.

The trend is not illegal, but the Bank of Canada is frowning on the practice.

“The Bank of Canada feels that writing and markings on bank notes or mutilating them [is] inappropriate as they are a symbol of our country and a source of national pride,” Bank of Canada spokeswoman Josianne Ménard said in a statement to CBC News.

[CBC News]
