Bizarre Taxidermy Youll Either Love or Loathe

August 2024 · 1 minute read

The online craft marketplace known as Etsy is home to some unique, gorgeous and, at times, totally bizarre items. (Maybe that’s why it’s called a bazaar, right?) (Sorry.) One of the site’s latest trends definitely fits that bill: carefully crafted, intricate and just slightly bizarre taxidermy animals.

(MORE: Etsy’s Handmade Wars)

The items range from a kamikaze duckling to a rock n’ roll guitar-playing rat and even a taxidermy mouse necklace. Divya Anantharaman, a Brooklyn-based artist who says she’s “always been fascinated by nature’s mythology and oddities, and their relationships to the ones we create” has a particularly eye-catching collection. On her Etsy page, she describes her crafts as “somewhere between nature and fantasy.” All the animals Anantharaman uses are ethically sourced, which she outlines in detail on her website.

See some of Anantharaman’s taxidermy work here, including a Pikachu-inspired mouse, a duiker, a bird and another mouse:

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Feeling inspired? Anantharaman teaches a variety of taxidermy classes for those who are interested in trying  animal art out for themselves.

MORE: Taxidermy Goes To Next Level With a New Reality TV Show
